Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dublin Christmas Parade

Normally, I am not the type to go out and sit in the feezing cold for two hours to watch a parade. However, my children are getting older and that means I will be involved in many activities I don't care for. This evening it was the Dublin Christmas parade. Logan is a Northwest Elementary cheerleader and part of that includes marching every year. She did a very good job, too. Mac had to stay home with Riley, who has an ear infection, and Jordan, who wasn't interested in going. Jordan is 11 years old and not interested in much right now. So.... I was lucky enough to sit all by myself outside in 35 degree weather. Once it started, though, it was good. I am very proud of her and I am happy that she has found something that she really enjoys.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

man - I must've been sick & missed that one - she is too cute though