Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Wow, what a blur. The kids woke us up at 6:03 and it was all over by 6:30. I didn't even get to have my coffee first. They were so excited, though. It is now 8:30 and I am getting ready for round two, when Grandmommy and Poppy get here. We do have a bit of cleaning up to do. The kids received silly string in their stockings and it ended up all over Macs car. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dangerous Feats

Mac and I started talking about using the fireplace about two weeks ago. We had a good feeling that they were capped off but we weren't sure. Mac decided he was going to go up and find out. So he started his way up. He quickly learned that it is difficult to get traction on a tin roof. I think it took him 45 minutes to scoot to the first chimney and un-cap it. Then he worked his way to the next, taking many breaks and even a mini-nap. Finally. it was done. We are now enjoying our evening fires. It is wonderful.

Dublin Christmas Parade

Normally, I am not the type to go out and sit in the feezing cold for two hours to watch a parade. However, my children are getting older and that means I will be involved in many activities I don't care for. This evening it was the Dublin Christmas parade. Logan is a Northwest Elementary cheerleader and part of that includes marching every year. She did a very good job, too. Mac had to stay home with Riley, who has an ear infection, and Jordan, who wasn't interested in going. Jordan is 11 years old and not interested in much right now. So.... I was lucky enough to sit all by myself outside in 35 degree weather. Once it started, though, it was good. I am very proud of her and I am happy that she has found something that she really enjoys.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I know, I know...... I'm fired from blogging. But if some of you had any idea how busy I have been......I know, no excuses. I will be posting this weekend so all of you check back sometime this weekend for a family update.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Weekend in Rome

Mac and I went with four other couples from church on a retreat in Rome, GA this past weekend. It was wonderful. As you can tell from the pictures, we had the best time. Gene and Elizabeth watched the kids for us while we had a chance to "research" each other as they say. It was a marriage retreat if you couldn't guess. Mac thinks we need to start doing this at least four times a year( be prepared Gramommy and Poppy). I think once a year would be just fine. If any of you all are interested the website is

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Go Raiders!!

Here she is everyone. Our little cheer leader. And a very talented one at that. This was Logan at her very first high school football game cheering for the West Laurens Raiders. This was even before they received their uniforms. Logan will be cheering again tomorrow night. Friday, we will be on the road to Cordele to drop the kids with Gramommie and Poppy and then off to Rome, GA for the weekend. Until then...

Art Class

Well, my art class is finally over and the final project was great, if I do say so myself. I recieved a final grade of A and learned sooo much. I have never been artistic but have always enjoyed learning about art. I guess I get that from my mother. Anyway, I thought I would post my final project for all to enjoy!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Flag Football

Yes folks, it is that time of year again. Football season is upon us. Mac and I are not big sports fans unless it comes to our kids. Riley is playing flag football for the first time this year and tonight was his first practice. His team is called the Seminoles. My Mom and Charles love that because they live in Florida. He was shy at first but you know Riley, after he got started, he didn't want to leave. Some of those boys out there were twice his size but he could hang with the best of them! Practice was short and Riley is already asking when his next practice will be.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our adventure to the High Museum in Atlanta was great. Elizabeth, Logan and I set out at 7 a.m. and spent the next ten hours having the best time. We saw the all the beautiful art work and Logan had a chance to spend some time in the educational center creating her own art. We had lunch there at the museum and bought a few suvenires before we left. On the way back to Dublin, we stopped at the Build-A-Bear workshop in Macon and Logan adopted a new friend. the whole trip was so much fun.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

About two weeks ago we had a great visit from Macs sister, Rebecca and his parents, Gene and Elizabeth. Rebecca was able to share some information with our church about her upcoming mission trip to Bulgaria. Besides all that, Rebecca and Mac both celebrated their birthdays that week, so we had a small party. We had such a wonderful time with them here. I am so excited because we will get to see Rebecca one last time before her trip. She is coming to stay with us on Saturday as she drives to Eastman, Ga to speak at the church she attended while in high school. Also on Saturday, Elizabeth, my mother-in-law, myself and Logan are going to take a trip to Atlanta to visit the High Art Museum. I will take a lot of picture so stay tuned to my blog. Until then.....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back to School!

August 20th was the first day of school for the kids and they had the best time. We moved Jordan and Logan to a different school system this year but we were unable to do the same for Riley. They had no room in Kindergarten. Oh well, maybe next year. Regardless, they all had a ball. I had never heard my children all say that they couldn't wait until the next day. This year is sure to bring a lot of hard work, and commitment as well. Jordan will start in band, Logan will start cheerleading and Riley will be playing flag football. All three will continue in their church activities, too (choir, kid-mo, etc.). Let's hope that their excitement will continue throughout the school year.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hey all! Sorry it has been so long since my last blog. I started school last week and one of my projects is to create a movie. Anyway, I started playing around and created this practice movie. This is of my kids from our first two years here in Dublin. I have never posted a video on here before so cross your fingers that this works. - Amber

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome all to our very first blog. In January of this year (2008), Mac and I bought our very first home. I was built in 1939 so it need quite a bit updating. This blog will be where we post the projects we have done and are currently doing. So..... if you enjoy home improvement as much as I do.... you'll love this blog.